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Industrial - Maintenance and Equipment Finishes


    909 Butyl Cellosolve is a solvent for use with many synthetic solvent-based enamels and coatings and for use with water-based latex industrial coatings. Used sparingly in solvent-based enamels, the very slow evaporation rate of this product can improve application properties… Read More »BUTYL CELLOSOLVE

    ACETONE 07-0341

      908 Acetone is a ketone solvent primarily used in thinning and cleanup of enamels, acrylic enamels, polyester resins (fiberglass resin), and gel coats. Exempt from US EPA VOC regulations, this solvent can be used to thin VOC-compliant products without increasing… Read More »ACETONE 07-0341


        Designed for use as an activator (hardener) for alkyd enamels, acrylic enamels, and modified alkyd enamels. DO NOT use in enamels containing anticorrosive pigments, alcohol, water, or ether solvents. Improves properties such as color and gloss retention, hardness, and dry… Read More »ACRYLIC URETHANE CATALYST

        SOLVENT 150

          902 Solvent 150 Thinner is a general-purpose thinner and cleanup solvent for use with many synthetic enamels and coatings which require solvents stronger than ordinary paint thinner. The slow evaporation rate of this product can improve application properties for a… Read More »SOLVENT 150

          TECH THINNER

            901 Tech Thinner is a general-purpose thinner and cleanup solvent for use with many synthetic enamels and coatings which require solvents stronger than ordinary paint thinner. The medium to slow evaporation rate of this product can improve application properties for… Read More »TECH THINNER

            IRON PRO S/G TILE RED

              For industrial and commercial use including machinery, trailers, industrial garbage compactors, containers, implements, and structural steel. IRON PRO DTM Enamel offers excellent long-term protection in exposures including mild industrial and marine environments. Excellent overall durability. Good application properties with excellent… Read More »IRON PRO S/G TILE RED